Meet Emiliana, the very first of many special young warriors we can’t wait to introduce to you!
New Year, New Projects
Announcing the launch of our newest program, Heart Kid of the Month!

As our organization continues to see the Southern Arizona community support our CHD Warriors, we felt it would be supercool to introduce you all to the kids who have captured our hearts. Each featured child has fought–and continues to fight–an incredible battle, one that would make most adults squeamish. Still, these kids push forward.
One of the things that stands out, as we read the bios being sent in, is how our families highlight not only the medical “rap sheet” they’ve faced, but also the joy that each child radiates. They talk about what they love to do, their successes, and the sunshine that their beloved children bring into the lives of everyone around them. Every one of these kids is truly spectacular.
Over the course of the year, we hope you are swept up in the zest for life that these young people possess, and moved to see the incredible value in helping each one embrace their fullest potential.